S. oralis is a gram positive, non-motile, α-haemolytic bacterium that form chains of cocci.Once regarded as a minor opportunistic pathogen, S. oralis is now considered a significant pathogen that affects immunocompromised individuals and those with hematological malignancy (cancers that affect the blood). In these individuals S. oralis is known to create such complications as bacterial endocarditis, adult respiratory distress syndrome and streptococcal shock.S. oralis is related to S. pneumoniae, a common case of otitis, septicemia, pneumonia, and meningitis media in children that results in a significant mortality rate throughout the world. S. oralis is known to be one of the first bacteria to begin to form the plaque biofilm. Research shows that the S. oralis is able to interact with Porphyromonas gingivalis, which is considered to be one of the leading causes of periodontal disease. Periodontal disease is considered the most common disease affecting the human oral cavity.Interesting facts S. oralis has only been reported to cause meningitis in cases where dental work was recently performed. S. oralis is also used as a probiotic to support health of the oral cavity. The strain used as probiotic is modified, and it helps to aid in restoring the mouth with good bacteria and helping to keep out bacteria that degenerate oral health.